Sunday, June 5, 2011

And so it begins....

Today was really stressful. The second half anyhow. We finished his packing, got his laundry done, went to the CStore on the corner for a few things, back to the laundromat because he left his phone. Made phone calls to say goodbye. Then I took him to the armory, realized they decided to do the drop an hour early so had enough time for a hug for me, kiss for the baby, then he left. We went home, tearfully. Me tearfully, not the baby yet.
Got a call an hour later asking me to bring him some cards he had left in the kitchen. Loaded us back up, got there. He came out, got them, said it shouldn't be too much longer then we could hang out for a bit, take pictures, say goodbye before he got onto the buses.
We waited two and a half hours.
When he finally got to come out, he was literally running to give the baby and I a kiss then to the buses. By the time I got the baby into his carseat and turned back around, he was gone.
And that's the last of him I will see for seven to nine months.
The last Dante will see of him for seven to nine months.
Will he miss me? Will Dante recognize his daddy when he comes back? Miss him after a few weeks goes by? Will we make it through this deployment without injury or God forbid worse? Will I make it through sane?
I honestly don't know.
For now, I'll live in this state of denial where he is training somewhere and hope that lasts until I can get to TN in late July/early August.
We'll manage. Because we have to.

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